
Showing posts from December, 2008

10 Best corporate practices

Word of Mouth Recruiting Five years ago, word-of-mouth marketing was all the rage. Now it's about WOM recruiting, as employers realize the limitations of mega career sites and the piles of often badly suited résumés those sites can generate. Word of mouth recruiting efforts work by cultivating opinion leaders who'll sing an employer's praises and make hot talent aware of job opportunities. Job sites such as are riding the wave of alternative recruiting methodologies, and smart employers are moving away from the cattle-call hiring processes they've deployed in favor of more targeted, long-term, pipeline-development strategies. Particularly as Gen Y's Facebook sensibility takes center stage in the job market, WOM recruiting will become the wave of the future for employers looking to hire the most talented—vs. the most obedient and patient—job candidates. Pooled Sick-Time Banks We first heard of pooled sick-time banks from the chief executive officer of the...