List of journals to publish online
scifinder journal ranks by scopus List of Refereed Journals in Energy: Elsevier 1. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science-An International Review Journal: Impact factor-10.362 2. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews: Impact factor-4.567 3. Journal of Power Sources: Impact factor-4.283 4. Applied Energy: Impact factor-3.888 5. Energy- The International Journal: Impact factor-3.565 6. Renewable Energy-An International Journal: Impact factor-2.554 7. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering: Impact factor-2.501 8. Energy Conversion and Management-An International Journal: Impact factor-2.054 9. Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications: Impact factor-1.32 10. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics: Impact factor-1.213 11. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory: Impact factor-0.728 John Wiley & Sons 1. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering: Impact factor-1.925 2. International Journal of Energy Research: Im...