List of journals to publish online

1. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science-An International Review Journal: Impact factor-10.362
2. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews: Impact factor-4.567
3. Journal of Power Sources: Impact factor-4.283
4. Applied Energy: Impact factor-3.888
5. Energy- The International Journal: Impact factor-3.565
6. Renewable Energy-An International Journal: Impact factor-2.554
7. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering: Impact factor-2.501
8. Energy Conversion and Management-An International Journal: Impact factor-2.054
9. Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications: Impact factor-1.32
10. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics: Impact factor-1.213
11. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory: Impact factor-0.728
John Wiley & Sons
1. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering: Impact factor-1.925
2. International Journal of Energy Research: Impact factor-1.86
3. Wind Energy: Impact factor-1.682
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
1. Journal of Energy Resources Technology
2. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
4. Journal of Mechanical Design
1. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering: Impact factor-2.76
2. Computational Optimization and Applications: Impact factor-1.274
3. Journal of Scientific Computing: Impact factor-1.238
4. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics: Impact factor-1.127
5. Computing: Impact factor-0.959
6. Environment, Development and Sustainability: Impact factor-0.908
7. Discrete & Computational Geometry: Impact factor-0.824
8. Engineering with Computers: Impact factor-0.625
9. Energy Systems
Taylor & Francis
1. International Journal of Green Energy: Impact factor-0.733
2. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics: Impact factor-0.704
3. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
4. International Journal of Ambient Energy
5. International Journal of Sustainable Energy
SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
1. Journal on Scientific Computing: Impact factor-0.733
ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
1. Journal of Energy Engineering: Impact factor-0.64
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering


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