Start a Organic farming Business

Organic’ is the new wave. Here’s how you can cash in on it.Organic farming was, by default, a natural agricultural practice in India until the early 1960s. Then, in the mid-‘60s, falling supplies and rising demands propelled the infamous Green Revolution, which introduced synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides and hybrid seeds to generate higher yields. Over the next 20 years, India turned from a food importer into a food exporter.But an overdose of chemical substances in the soil soon led to low yields and high toxicity. Media awareness and medical studies linked the rise of diseases like cancer, polio and heart-related disorders to the absorption of chemicals by crops. In lieu of these pitfalls, organic farming is now making its way back into the agricultural community—and opening up some green pastures for entrepreneurs.An organic farm, however, requires high levels of commitment, research and investment to turn into a scaleable venture. Its philosophy and practice rests on the judicious use of naturally available resources and bio-diversity to create a self-sustainable farm through non-wasteful farming techniques.Prepare the Land for Rainwater Harvesting


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