Start a Pet Matching Service

(49)Start a Pet Matching Service
Start a Pet Matching Service
Many people who own pedigree pets are serious when it comes to breeding the beloved pets. They’ve grown from needing just one pet to a desire to have a whole brood of dogs or cats (or whatever pet they have). Finding the right mate for their pet isn’t a simple matter though. They take as much care in matching their pet as they would making sure their children socialize with the “right” friends.
If you’ve got a love for pets and you have a network of friends who are pet lovers or you have extensive contact with pet-owners, you might want to provide this service. You’ll need the biodata of all your “clients”, including their breed, date of birth, physical features, lineage and awards. For the serious pet-owner, all these details mean a lot. When they’ve narrowed down their choice, they will need to put them into contact with the selected pet’s owner. Then, it’s up to them to make the necessary arrangements as to how and when to bring they “couple” together. You will receive a fee for every successful match that you make so that means you will need a fairly large database of pets and owners if you want to make a success of this.



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